Flow of Grout and Grouting of PSC Girder By Maawa World

Test Method for Flow of Grout for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone Method) ASTM C939! Scope: This test method covers a procedure, used both in the laboratory and in the field, for determining the time of efflux of a specified volume of fluid hydraulic cement grout through a standardized flow cone and used for preplaced-aggregate (PA) concrete; however, the test method may also be used for other fluid grouts. Sampling & Testing: When sampling and testing is being done for the purpose of proportioning or comparing mixes or for qualifying materials, the temperature of the dry materials and mixing water shall be such that the temperature of the freshly mixed grout is 23.0 +/- 2.0°C (73.5 +/- 3.5°F), unless otherwise specified. Procedure: 1- Moisten the inside of the flow cone by filling the cone with water and, 1 min before introducing the grout sample, allow the water to drain from the cone. Close the outlet of the discharge tube with a finger or a stopper. Introduce the grout into the cone until the grout surface rises to contact the point gage, start the stop watch, and simultaneously remove the finger or stopper. Stop the watch at the first break in the continuous flow of grout from the discharge tube, then look into the top of the cone; if the grout has passed sufficiently, such that light is visible through the discharge tube, the time indicated by the stop watch is the time of efflux of the grout. If light is not visible through the discharge tube, then the use of the flow cone is not applicable for grout of this consistency. At least two tests having times of efflux within 1.8 s of their average shall be made for each grout mixture. 2- The test for time of efflux shall be made within 1 min of drawing of the grout from the mixer or transmission line. When grout is being placed over a significant period of time, the time of efflux may be determined at selected intervals to demonstrate that the consistency is suitable for the work.


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